
Showing posts from December, 2017

Polygamy The Impact on Women

Although these women probably fare better in Canada than they would from wince they came, there can be many unpleasant consequences. The first is in instances of domestic abuse. Unfortunately, many of these women are not technically wives. Therefore, they may or may not have been able to attain citizenship.  Full Article on my website 

Identifying the Polygamist

Shouldn’t one man and many women be recognized at the border? It sounds easy enough, but many times the men practicing will only bring in one wife at a time. Then, the other wives are misidentified when they are brought through at the border. The man will simply classify them under a guise. One wife could be described as a maid, another as a close relative. In fact, one woman the Economist interviewed “was brought in as a servant and described as the child’s aunt”. Full Article on my website 

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

If you are a Pakistani woman in England, chances are you have had an Islamic wedding ceremony that was not recognized by the Government. According to the  Economist , Britain’s Channel 4 took a recent survey. Out of 1000 married Muslim women, 600 had Sharia only marriages. In this way, thousands of women are trapped in the middle of the legal and cultural worlds. please continue reading on my blog

Terrorism on the New York Subway

Continuing the sporadic terrorism that has spread throughout the United States and Europe (not to mention the Middle East), several people were injured by a pipe bomb that was set off on Monday in New York City’s Port Authority subway station. Though five were harmed, nobody was killed in the explosion. The suspect, Mr. Akayed Ullah, survived as well. He is currently being treated for burns in Bellevue Hospital. Ullah used a homemade pipe bomb. Although his choice of weapons failed to do significant damage, the fact that he was motivated by loyalty to the Islamic State leaves a shaken New York populace. More on

This Week in Female Leaders: Mansplaining and Theresa May Mayhem

Two of the most interesting events this week were centered around women. The first major event was a summit put on by Women Political Leaders. Silvana Koch-Mehrin, a female member of the European Parliament, founded this group. According to the New York Times , the conference featured “the largest ever gathering of female political leaders”. The second interesting story is about 2 new books. They both take a scathing view on the current political climate in Britain. Although described by the Economist as “depressing”, these two stories give a realistic look into British life today. Additionally, both lament Theresa May’s actions in the aftermath of Brexit. continue reading at 

Catholic church and feminism

It was 1995 and Pope John Paul II Wrote a Feminist Letter In 1995, long before a hashtag existed, there were letters. This letter was presented to the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing. Throughout the letter, the Pope makes it clear he has a firm grasp on the matter at hand. continue on my blog:

United States Senate Passes Controversial Tax Reform

Last Saturday,  the United States Senate passed the Tax Cut (TCJA) and Jobs Act, a sweeping tax reform that leaves little in the current code untouched.  The $1.5 trillion bill was passed in a 51-49 vote, with sole support coming from the senate’s Republican majority. read more at