
Showing posts from November, 2017

Women in Tech Good, Bad or Ugly

History of Women in Tech The most recent news about women in tech surrounds allegations of sexual harassment, as well as unfair promotion practices. However, those of you with knowledge of history know it was not always this way. In fact, during the good old days coding was primarily a woman’s job. Why, you may ask? It was new, so the pay and the status were much lower than they are today. Men only began claiming tech for themselves when male-only Universities began to offer the first computer science programs. During that time, you find coding begins to become a more prestigious and higher paid position. Around then, women start losing access to these jobs and tech becomes a man’s world. Read more at

Killer Boobs

If you are a woman, your breasts could prove to be lethal. A recent study has suggested the idea that women are less likely to get CPR than men. Why? Hang on to your bras! People are scared to touch boobs. How did we get to the point we would rather watch someone die than feel awkward? I think that is a question worth exploring. In this article, we will look at 5 myths and truths about CPR and women. Continue reading at

Federal Law Enforcement Gender Gap in the U.S.

“It’s no surprise that more men go into law enforcement than women, but that doesn’t explain why the San Diego and Detroit police departments have more women on a percentage basis than the FBI. There seems to be something uniquely intractable about federal law enforcement, suggesting a problem beyond the simple math of gender equality. Combined, federal law enforcement agencies represent a police force almost three times the size of the New York City Police Department, with vast powers to arrest and detain civilians. The more skewed their demographics, generally speaking, the less effective they will be.” --Amanda Ripley, “Federal law enforcement has a woman problem” To be continued at